onsdag den 23. oktober 2019

Fix iPhone not charging from MacBook Pro USB port + How to thin local Time Machine Snapshots to get more disc space (Terminal commands)

Fix iPhone not charging from MacBook Pro + How to thin your local Time Machine Snapshots (Terminal)

Image source: https://blog.macsales.com/39296-tech-101-introduction-to-the-macs-terminal-app-part-one/

To fix these issues put these commands into Terminal:

Fix iPhone won't charge from my MacBook Pro USB port: sudo killall -STOP -c usbd

Source: https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/309143/how-to-thin-your-local-time-machine-snapshots-on-macos-high-sierra

Thin local Time Machine Snapshots (get more disc space): tmutil thinlocalsnapshots / 999999999999999 4

Source: https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/298573/iphone-7-wont-charge-from-my-macbook-pro and Apple Support over the phone (Denmark, Copenhagen, 21/10/2019 15:29, thanks to "Bjørn")

Disclaimer: This is merely a guideline and I am not responsible for any errors or malfunctions that might occur. I'm just sharing what worked for me, personally.

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